Software Tutorials
Software Tutorials
Excel for PC
This tutorial is for Excel 2010 for PCs
Getting Started with Spreadsheets; Worksheet Basics; Introduction to the Ribbon; Cell Manipulations; Formatting Cells; Copying, Cutting, & Pasting; Inserting & Deleting; Manipulating Data I; Manipulating Data II
Creating Charts; Formatting Charts; Formatting the Chart Plot Area; Formatting the Chart Axes; Formatting the Chart Legend; Copying, Cutting, & Pasting Charts; Trendlines and Error Bars; Linest Function; Pivot table
Formula Basics; Using Excel's Functions; Common Function & Formula Error Messages; Some Useful Statistical Functions; Macros; An Application of Functions: Budget Spreadsheet
Analysis ToolPak; ANOVA
Excel for Macs
This tutorial is for Excel 2011 for Macs
Getting Started with Spreadsheets; Worksheet Basics; Introduction to the Ribbon; Cell Manipulations; Formatting Cells; Copying, Cutting, & Pasting; Inserting & Deleting; Manipulating Data I; Manipulating Data II
Creating Charts; Formatting Charts; Formatting the Chart Plot Area; Formatting the Chart Axes; Formatting the Chart Legend; Copying, Cutting, & Pasting Charts; Trendlines and Error Bars; Linest Function; Pivot table
Formula Basics; Using Excel's Functions; Common Function & Formula Error Messages; Some Useful Statistical Functions; Macros
This tutorial is for SPSS Version 20. (This tutorial can also be used with previous versions of SPSS.)
Getting Started: Three Windows; Open or Merge Files; Saving Files; Reading an Output File; Using the Data Editor; The Edit Menu and Toolbar; Transforming Variables; Sort and Filter Data
Central Tendency; Dispersion and Variability; Distribution and Normality; Z-Scores;
Frequency Tables; Frequency Charts
T-Tests; ANOVA Tests; Chi-Square Tests
Pearson's r; Simple Linear Regression; Scatterplots; Multiple Regressions
This tutorial is version BETA meaning it is still under construction.
What Stata Looks Like; Exploring a Dataset; Setting Up Your Research; Initial Analysis; Handy Tricks; More Advanced Regression Models; Data Visualization; Potential Problems; Opening and Creating .dta Data Files