Feb 20

Intermediate R

Milstein 102
  • Add to Calendar 2023-02-20 16:00:00 2023-02-20 17:30:00 Intermediate R As part of the ERC's Open Workshop Series, we'll be hosting an Intermediate R workshop! The workshop is planned to take place on February 20 from 4 - 5:30 PM in Milstein 102.  We can't wait to see you there! Email erc@barnard.edu for any questions. window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener("message", function(event){if (event.origin === "https://openr2.youcanbook.me"){document.getElementById("ycbmiframeopenr2").style.height = event.data + "px";}}, false); Milstein 102 Barnard College barnard-admin@digitalpulp.com America/New_York public

As part of the ERC's Open Workshop Series, we'll be hosting an Intermediate R workshop!

The workshop is planned to take place on February 20 from 4 - 5:30 PM in Milstein 102. 

We can't wait to see you there!

Email erc@barnard.edu for any questions.